What do children look forward to when it comes around to Easter? That's right...so Carole Anne and I are sharing an artistic card we think will be enjoyed by "children of all ages" - whether at home or at school:
Click here to see it -- or paste the link into your browser. (And don't miss the three extra pages at the end of it all with some very interesting history and tradition around the world regarding eggs and Easter that many probably don't even realize. Just look for a link at the bottom "about eggs.")

By the way, here's the new card for the ADULTS this year: He Is Risen!
* Last, but not least, here's a nice tangible little Easter "egg" for everyone who would like to try their hand at personalizing and sending out cards like this for themselves. The artist who creates these, Jacquie Lawson in the UK, has a 24-hour free trial opportunity - if one knows where to look!
If you want to get in on this, you could actually send out as many different personalized cards as you wish - among the 100 or so she has created thus far - to your various friends and family throughout the world. Plus they all have a built-in feature giving the recipient an opportunity to respond back to you personally. Simply go here.
But wait to fill in the form if you don't want to send out cards out just yet, because the 24-hour time limit starts when you actually fill in the form online. You can choose the time frame that works best for you by saving that link - or setting a reminder for yourself to come back to this page - when you're ready to do a "trial run" personalizing and sending out some of these wonderful animated artistic and musical cards for your own friends.
Time to celebrate!
Clair and Carole Anne
Don't miss http://blueblots.com/inspiration/a-showcase-of-funny-and-clever-egg-photography -- a "must see" collection of funny eggs that probably aren't going to make it to Easter!