Though I currently live within two blocks of the National War Memorial and the "ANZAC Parade" below it, where tens of thousands will soon gather again for the annual Dawn Service, here is where I hope to be on ANZAC Day this year:
"Putting An End To War" - a 3-day workshop on personal resistance to war and military action. This conference will be held from 23-26 April, starting with Friday dinner and an evening session and ending soon after Monday lunch at the Australian Quaker Centre, “Silver Wattle” 1063 Lake Road Bungendore, NSW.
Participants will consider the Beatitudes as a call to radical action, reflect on celebrations of ANZAC Day, and hear about individual witness such as being a human shield, intervening in armed conflict, entering prohibited military areas and refusing to pay war taxes. Recent actions in Pine Gap, Talisman Sabre, Iraq and Palestine will be some of our examples.
Speakers include:
Gerry Guitton “Walking the Way of Peace”
Simon Moyle “Radical Action’
Helen Bayes “Getting in the Way – Christian Peacemakers”
Waratah Gillespie “Out of Love Courage Grows”
Helen Gould “War Tax Resistance”
Doug Hynd “Reflections on Anzac day”
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