Tuesday 24 June 2008

Feast your eyes (and ears) on this!

...something from "Down Under" that I put together (with the artistic help of Jacquie Lawson, of course) for my friends and family in the States, with a message of hope for your collective well-fare, a renewed sense of community, and all the best that can be mustered to sustain the country's future - all of which I think is especially needful during this season of fractious campaigning.

This "alternative" expression of patriotism may take a bit to load - especially if you don't have a good broadband connection - but will be well worth the wait because it is not just any old "fly-by-night" production, as you shall see! Plus, you will be especially rewarded if you view the "Scrapbook" at the end - something for all 50 States. (And feel free to pass this link on to others, with my compliments.)



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