Monday, 28 November 2011

Wake up, Australia! The US is playing with fire now, infuriatin​g a nuclear-ca​pable Pakistan

Letter I sent today to the editor of the Canberra Times.  We shall see if they print it!  (Note: they did, after editing out a crucial part!  -Clair)

Dear people:

I'm reflecting on the implications that NATO admits it's probably to blame for that latest deadly helicopter raid on the Pakistan-Afghanistan border, that killed up to 28 Pakistani soldiers and injured over a dozen others.

Islamabad responded by cutting off the flow of vital NATO supplies to Afghanistan. The incident deals a serious blow to already-strained relations over lethal incursions in Pakistani territory.

John Rees, a political analyst from the British-based 'Stop the War Coalition', describes how the U.S. and its allies are creating an explosive situation in the volatile region in this video interview.
Clearly this is a dangerous situation and there are indeed implications for Australia because of its close alliance with the US. With an increasingly enraged Pakistani population, this can only mean one thing - more instability and insecurity for Australia's own forces to contend with, and the threat of a devastating regional war brought ever closer to our own doorstep!

Australia would do well to rethink its own policy and develop a withdrawal plan since the government's justification for ongoing involvement in that region grows increasingly fuzzy, the mission is clearly not sustainable, and the entire effort does not have the support of the vast majority of Australians!

Clair Hochstetler
PO Box 827
Mawson, ACT 2607

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