Monday 12 January 2009

Dissident Jewish Voices for Peace

Jewish Voices for Peace - urges us to thank Jon Stewart for his courageous stance on his January 5 edition of "The Daily Show" regarding the crisis in Gaza.

He made clear what should be obvious, that bombing and killing won't bring peace for Israelis or Palestinians. I felt he spoke for a great many people in other parts of the world, as well, including me.

While almost all of the mainstream news in the United States up until then had reported the story without any context whatsoever, repeating the lie that this is a simple case of Israel defending its people against irrational attacks, it was Jon Stewart, who got it right.

He talked about the "soul-crushing" siege of Gaza, the occupation that has forced Palestinians to go through checkpoints to do anything at all, and the perverse logic of trying to "get a war in" just before Obama's inauguration.

Watch the video clip or read the transcript and send him your thanks

And this comes today from "Jewish Peace News":

In addition to containing information and analysis about the war in Gaza, the following pieces feature dissident voices – voices that offer a very significant challenge to any myth that Americans or Israelis uniformly support the carnage taking place. The first piece below reports and analyzes a remarkable undertow of US opinion that is hostile to the war, a report that reveals a striking disconnect between (particularly Democratic) voters and our representatives.

The second piece is a letter from Naamika Zion, a member of Kol Aher, a peace group in Sderot, who makes a strong and eloquent argument / plea: “Not in my name and not for me you went to war. The current bloodbath in Gaza is not in my name and not for my security.”

The last dissident voice is George Bisherat, a law professor, whose lucid, critical analysis appeared in the Wall Street Journal, of all places.

Racheli Gai writes: It's important that people take the time to write to the Wall Street Journal and thank them for publishing such a fine piece - (not a common thing on their part)... Email your letter to the editor to: Please limit your letters to 200 or fewer words ... shorter letters have a better chance of being selected for publication.

According to Blumenthal (in the piece immediately below), a growing numbers of Americans don't buy into the myths disseminated by mainstream media about the war on Gaza. He conjectures that - in addition to the presence on line of alternative sources of information - the reason is that after people got sold a bill of goods in regards to why the US went to a war against Iraq, they are a lot more skeptical about the veracity of what they hear and see on most mainstream media outlets.

Here are the articles, alluded to above, found in the latest postings on Jewish Peace News blog. (JPN describes itself as "an information service that circulates news clippings, analyses, editorial commentary, and action alerts concerning the Israel / Palestine conflict. We work to promote a just resolution to the conflict; we believe that the cause of both peace and justice will be served when Israel ends the occupation, withdrawing completely from the Palestinian territories and finding a solution to the Palestinian refugee crisis within the framework of international law.")

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